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How Can Ayurveda Help You Awaken Your Inner Healing and Live a Life of Wisdom?

Updated: Apr 19

The name itself says it, the knowledge, wisdom, Veda, to know, all about Ayu, life. The medicine of Ayurveda is not simply medicine, it is much, much more.

Ayurveda is a path to a lifetime of greater balance. Uncover the root cause of your symptoms, restore vitality through customized holistic treatment, and maintain optimal health and wellbeing. Plus, three steps to get you started today.

Living Ayurveda image sunset lit mountain path

Explore more on the Saumya Blog, selected top Ayurveda blogs and websites to watch.

Ayurveda: Living the Wisdom of Life

I love a new year. It's like a fresh notebook waiting to be filled. I love the possibilities, the letting go of the old and bringing in of the new, and the clarity that shines a light on how to simplify.

Every December, for decades, I do two things to simplify my movement through life, and that clarifies what is truly important to me.

First, I go through my physical space and let go of anything that is no longer used. If it's been more than a year, and if it doesn’t hold sentimental value, it is donated. This lightens the load, and frees up energy to focus where I want, and to create an physical environment that supports a calm state of mind. Less is more. There is nothing wrong of course, about enjoying the things of the world, it's about balance. If there's so much stuff that it's distracting us from how we want to spend our time and energy, then it's something to explore.

Second, I sit down with a piece of paper and draw out boxes with categories of my life on it. I write down what I want to create, things I want to accomplish, changes I want to make, and things that are no longer needed, wanted, or supportive.

Ok, grab some tea, a little side trip here for a moment. In Ayurveda we do cleansing. Usually people think in terms of cleansing or detoxing the physical body--this is about mental, emotional, and psychological cleansing. When our minds are freed up and at ease, everything flows more easily. How many people feel stress in their gut? You get the picture. Remember it's not "just stress." Stress is what causes dis-ease. Where we can eliminate (little Ayurveds pun there), let's do it.

Enjoy our video: Healing with Ayurveda.

"To know about Ayurveda, contact Saumya Ayurveda, Veenaji. When you consult with a knowledgeable Ayurvedic doctor, then your body, mind, and your pranic body operate optimally and your sadhana (your life) becomes easier, your practice becomes enjoyable.” - Dr. Dabral, Ph.D., Sanskrit, international meditation and yoga philosophy teacher.

Living Ayurveda image of a sign saying simplify and a cup of Ayurveda tea

This same process of clarification and simplification can be applied to communications (ahh, that little device we call a phone, but let's face it, we're walking around with a computer in our hands, how many hours do we spend on it per day?), and relationships. Are we spending our energy and time with awareness? Ok, our side trip is now completed.

Over the decades, the piece of paper has become smaller, and the list under each category has become shorter. I appreciate that organic shift of simplification about simplifying, that has occurred.

Living Ayurveda image the word simplify in block letters and a cup of tea

Years ago it might have read, for example, MOVEMENT: Cycle X number of miles per week, do yog-asana daily, do the Ironman ride. Now it simply reads move daily. It’s a shift away from measuring, to simply being in the movement. What that movement is each day, is free to show itself, what is needed, and is guided internally, versus an external counting. It helps me keep in tune with what is needed in the now, versus what I think I should do.

In one way, this is a shift from Pitta stage of life, to a radical acceptance of Vata stage. There's so much freedom and ease in this way of moving through life.

In another way, regardless of stage of life, it's the difference between being driven versus flowing; of writing oneself a permission slip to be fully who one is naturally. When we do, we are peace filled. We experience vitality and focus, energy and stillness. We feel complete just as we are.

Imagine waking up relaxed and energized, moving through the day with calm and ease, and feeling truly present and connected to the world around you.

Sounds nice, right? With Saumya Ayurveda, you’re closer than you think.

Whether you’re running on fumes, struggling with your physical health, simply don’t feel like yourself anymore, or want to reclaim your fullest, most vibrant life –mentally, physically and spiritually – our personalized Ayurvedic treatment can help you.

Using Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom, we’ll explore the connection between all that you’re experiencing and the dynamic energies in your body, spirit, and mind.

Unlock your innate ability to self-heal, find balance, and thrive in every aspect of your life. The journey starts with Saumya Ayurveda. Living Ayurveda is easier than you think.

notepad with client testimonials

“I discovered Veena on google and was very impressed by all of her glowing reviews. I purchased the half year Ayurveda package with 7 sessions. I'm completely new to Ayurveda and Veena was very knowledgeable, patient with my questions, warm, and has a great sense of humor.


I looked forward to our sessions and after more than a decade of chronic illness, things started improving with the protocols she guided me through. I feel like a different person in just half a year. The improvements are incredible, and I feel so hopeful and inspired by this experience.

I will continue the protocols I've learned and at our last session, I didn't feel like I would be left on my own. Veena is always an email or phone call away - she is very, very responsive, and helpful.


I am so glad I discovered her, and I encourage anyone for any health issue or concern to book with her and see how your overall wellbeing will improve. Thank you, Veena!” -Therese Nichols, Minnesota

“Working with Veena is incredible. She sees the possibilities that lay dormant in us and is so patient and kind in sharing her wisdom and tools to help birth those possibilities. As Ayurveda is a living science, it takes conviction and discipline to change habits, to live a different reality. Veena makes navigating the changes smooth and meaningful, inspiring at every meeting, letting me know that, YES, changes are happening! Thank you, Veena. Many blessings!”

-Kyle Sangster, Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Veena is a treasure of wisdom, support, and encouragement. I have made such progress since working with Veena. Her advice is transformational. In every single conversation and email I learned such valuable information and gained tools that are helping me be my best and healthiest self. I am so grateful I discovered Veena and took the leap to work with her.”

-Jenny Hubbard, New Jersey


“It is with great pleasure that I write this review! Working with Veena has remarkably changed my life – even in the places I was unaware that it demanded to be changed! Throughout the course of four months, Veena’s gentle and succinct approach allowed me to easily refine my routines into a more structured foundation that left me feeling more in graceful governance with myself – emotionally and physically.

Not only had she brought forth awareness in how I prepare/ relate to the food I eat, but she also prescribed me wonderful herbs to help calm my anxiety, detox my liver, and heal the ugly night sweats I’ve been experiencing due to hormonal imbalances. Lastly, her guided meditations are a great grounding force, and I have since continued to explore the euphoric benefits of Yoga Nidra.

Veena is a well of divine knowledge, and her humor and light will be eternally appreciated!”

--Rachel Monson, Wisconsin


“I have been so fortunate to have been introduced to Veena by a friend, and I absolutely want to share her information with you. Veena is so dedicated to one’s health that it feels amazing to have her on my side. She's truly a beautiful soul. She is helping me navigate all my issues with perimenopause and I am so glad, as the herbs she has given me have not only boosted my immune system greatly, but have chilled my nervous system out", and I’m sleeping again.” – S.J., Saudi Arabia

Saumya Ayurveda's 3 steps for transforming your daily life with image of woman meditating by a lake

There is a saying, "The mind is more in the body, than the body is in the mind." The Saumya 3 step meditation process shifts us from fight-flight-freeze mode, to rest-restore-relax mode. Give it a try for forty days and observe the changes. The more grounded and relaxed we are, the smoother life flows.

"The breath is the connection between the mind and body, so by training the breath, we become calm, focused, and grounded, we slow down the aging process by decreasing stress. These practices are so simple and easy to have as part of our daily life. We actually feel and look younger."

- Veena, Saumya Ayurveda

1. Learn Diaphragmatic Breathing and Change Your Life. When we re-learn to breath diaphragmatically, we move from the flight-fight-freeze mode, to rest, restore, relaxation mode from where we want and need to live.

2. Daily Guided Practices: 11 minutes in the morning and in the evening, as anchors of your daily Ayurveda routine.

"Choose a couple of practices from the routines that provide you with the greatest support. Perform them while applying our two minute meditation technique and your mundane tasks, just transformed into a mellifluous meditation. This is meditation applied to daily life."

- Veena, Saumya Ayurveda

Living Ayurveda image accepted written in sand

Discover the Saumya Ayurveda Way

We all want to be heard, understood, and cared for as whole beings, not a set of isolated symptoms. True health is more than the absence of disease, which is why Western medicine so often leaves us feeling hopeless and unseen.

Deep down, you already know what you’re searching for: a new framework for living – one that brings your entire being back into balance. With Saumya Ayurveda, you’ll receive individualized guidance to create the physically, mentally, and spiritually vibrant life you crave.

Saumya Ayurveda provides concierge, top-notch, award-winning Ayurveda care. We strive to keep it simple, so you can focus on you! Opt for virtual consultations and we'll come to you.

Our practice model is client focused, we’re not in the retail herb business. We’ll guide you where to order herbs directly online. Our top-shelf Ayurveda oils and herbalized ghees are the best in the land and we’ll ship your care package right to your doorstep.

Our effective multi-appointment consultation packages provide you with experienced Ayurveda care, enthusiastic guidance, and inspiring support. Awaken Your Inner Healing with Ayurveda: A Guide to Living the Wisdom of Life--Explore our personalized services and book your FREE discovery call today. Psst! Our clients say it best – so read and watch our client's stories.

Be well,


Living Ayurveda image Veena at Saumya Ayurveda

Veena is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and meditation teacher, and monk.

She is President Emeritus and teaching faculty of the Meditation Center.

Veena fell in love with the traditional medicine used in her family’s home, learning herbal remedies at her grandmother's knee.

These childhood experiences were the seeds of a lifelong passion. For over 30 years, Veena has dedicated her life to the world’s oldest healing system: Ayurveda.

She draws on this ancient wisdom to help others find their compass to a healthy life – and support those left wanting by Western medicine.

An experienced Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Veena’s deep, intuitive knowledge of Ayurveda empowers her clients to reclaim their fullest, most vibrant lives –mentally, physically, and spiritually. Veena individualizes treatment plans to each person, rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach, so it fits your life and becomes woven in your lifestyle, naturally.

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