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Online Shop

Saumya Ayurveda Essentials

Welcome to your one-stop shop for holistic well-being. Browse our current offerings and stay tuned as we continue to add thoughtfully crafted essentials to support your Ayurvedic lifestyle. Elevate your mind, nurture your body, and transform your life. It all starts here. 

How to Keep Your Cool eBook

Menstrual suffering is so common it's nearly expected. But we don't have to accept discomfort, pain, anxiety, and mood issues as an inevitable part of life. Ayurveda offers 5,000 years of tools and wisdom to balance your cycle at any age.


"How to Keep Your Cool" is an invitation to transform your menstrual cycle... and while you're at it, transform your life. From menses to menopause, you deserve to keep your cool. This guide will show you how. 

Why don't we sell herbal products online?

The right herbal protocol can change your life, but everybody is different. What's balancing to one person may throw another out of whack. It's important to consult an expert before using any Ayurveda product–which is why ours are only available to our current clients. It's how we ensure we recommend the right herbs, at the right time, to meet YOUR unique goals and needs. 

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